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2. Osteoarthritis (osteochondrosis)

Why is formed the osteoarthritis?

Many patients suffer from the osteoarthritis within many centuries.

The official medicine does not specify of the formation reasons at this disease ("Etiology is not known." The Merck manual of diagnosis and therapy.- 1992). Thus it is underlined, that there is a defeat first of all a hyaline cartilage and subchondritic departments of bones though hypertrophies are exposed also all other tissues inside and around of the struck joints (in the same place).

Prevalence. Men and women are equally subject to disease also, but at men it begins earlier. The osteoarthritis it is distributed in all climatic zones. In 40 years those or other pathological changes in the basic joints testing loading in weight of a body, are available almost for all people though clinical symptoms are marked only at the few, but to 70-years age they are marked practically at all.

At the same time there are many versions of the formation reasons at this disease which has captured all our planet.

Everyone advise to therapy it diseases, and many are engaged in treatment of this disease though nothing know about the reasons of its formation.

Let's consider the reason of formation osteoarthritis with it is unique a correct position - from the point of view of applied biochemistry.

The basic physical loading of all weight of the body is assigned to a spinal column. Thus also it is necessary to recognize that the person not simply moves the body in space, but still influences these joints with a huge overload, he jumps with a parachute, lifts a barbell etc. creating additional lumpsum loading on the spinal column and other joints. And all this maintain so the spinal column so joints at the healthy person. However at infringement of the diet and occurrence of biochemical infringements in the organism, those with deficiency those or other food components, and, first of all, at synthesis of the proteoglycans and mucopolysaccharides, and begin structural changes. These structural infringements proceed on two directions - infringement of carbohydrate and calcium-magnesian exchanges.

Infringement of the carbohydrate exchange connected to restriction of receipt various monosaccharides, and first of all, mannose, xylose, fucose, results in formation of the glycosilation proteoglycans and mucopolysaccharides.

In the beginning results deficiency of mannose and fucose in blood including patients with a diabetes and adiposity conduce in infringement of synthesis of the cartilage keratan sulfate proteoglycans and intervertebral disks. It results in reduction of rigidity of the cartilage and reduction of the sizes of intervertebral disks due to decrease of elasticity the chondroitinsulfate because of absence of the keratansulfate (fig. 1). As a result of it there is the reduction of intervertebral space. Reduction of intervertebral space results, on the one hand, to "deflection" the spinal column, and on the other hand, in squeezing neuroglia that form from a spinal cord.

Fig. 1. Infringement of synthesis of the intervertebral disk responsible for formation of an osteochondrosis

1 - an intervertebral disk at the healthy person (are present the chondroitinsulfate C which form distance between rubed parts of the spinal column, and keratan sulfate II which create more rigid "construction"); II - the intervertebral disk at the patient (are present only chondroitinsulfate C at full absence of the keratan sulfate, it results in decrease of elasticity and rigidity of the construction chondroitinsulfate and "deflection" the spinal column); 1 - chondroitinsulfates; 2- keratan sulfate II

It "deflection" (squeezing) promotes (see on fig. 2) in the beginning to reduction of a clearance between intervertebral disk and the spinal column, and it results, at the increased loadings, or little change of the spinal column to development of the sharp algesis as an osteochondrosis, and then to infringement of functioning of the nerve-ending and to full uncontrollability of the separate bodies having an output of the nerve-ending on the spinal cord. This disease suffer many millions people on globe.

Fig. 2. Change of the clearance between the spinal column and the intervertebral disk at the healthy person and the patient, formed on the proteoglycans (keratan sulfates)

1 - the clearance between the spinal column and the intervertebral disk at the healthy person; 2 - the clearance at the patient with an osteochondrosis

Infringement of the calcium-magnesian exchange promotes the increased consumption of calcium at deficiency of ions of magnesium in human organism. At surplus of calcium in human organism, it starts to replace other ions, including magnesium. Surplus of calcium ions results to that bones become more fragile, and at shock loadings they can give a crack or break. At the same time surplus of magnesium ions results in a softening of the bone tissue.

Therefore in human organism should be supported the calcium-magnesian balance promoting synthesis of the proteoglycans and the bone tissue on the one hand, strong enough to maintain loading, and on the other hand, floppy enough to not be crumbled and not break.

As offer to eliminate these infringements with the help of manually therapy

Now is very fashionable to use manually therapy at osteochondrosis and other pains in the spine column. Millions patients use their services. However with the help of manipulation you mechanically can increase intervertebral distance only physical influence, not eliminating the main reason of formation at this disease - synthesis of the glycosilation proteoglycans (chondroitinsulfates) and absence of the keratan sulfate by surfaces of contact of rubed parts of the joint. Therefore similar therapy has short-term effect and through the certain period of time (it is especial after a raising of weight or other influence on the spinal column) you again have sharp algesis and you are again compelled to address to manually therapy again to move apart vertebra and to increase intervertebral distance.

As is offered to eliminate these diseases with the help of restoration of biochemical infringements

To remove the given disease for ever is possible only having restored synthesis normal the cartilage proteoglycans and intervertebral disks (and chondroitinsulfates, and keratan sulfates).

However is a lot of charlatans, under a kind of sorcerers and biophysicist, try to correct this biochemical process, but the only thing , that they can, is quickly to improve state of patients health due to a mechanical stretching of the spine column. But passes month - other, and the patient again runs to this charlatan, or to another. The reader should understand, that from mechanical influence (massaging, an extract of the spine column and other influences) parameters of the intervertebral disk will not change, and the structure of the cartilage will not be improved. Therefore applying only our technology of restoration at infringements of the carbohydrate exchange it is possible to get rid of this disease for ever.



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