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Cholesterol is one of the most vital components in our bodies, responsible for making a number of hormones and other compounds.

Cholesterol is formed in liver cells as well as other cells.

The role of cholesterol in food is limited.

Cholesterol regenerate from old cells.

It is well see on Figure 1.

Figure 1. The sources of cholesterol in human blood.

Thus, the liver cells are the basic supplier of cholesterol in human organism which synthesize the basic part of functioning cholesterol - about 75 %.

With nutrition give in our organism approximately 100 - 150 mg at functional nutrition that makes all about 5 %.

At regeneration of cells remains in human organism about 10 % of cholesterol and other cells can develop up to 10 % from the general level of cholesterol in blood.

Cholesterol in human organism is submitted as in the free state, so as ethers, first of all sulfates, phosphates. Classes of cholesterol ethers are submitted on fig. 2.

Figure 2. Classes of cholesterol ethers

The contents in human blood of the general cholesterol amount 130-260 mg/100 mL of blood, and free - only 90-190 mg/100 of mL. Thus, 2/3 cholesterols in blood are submitted in the free and 1/3 - as ethers.

The general contents of cholesterol in 5 Litres of human blood amount accordingly 8,0 - 13,0 g, and in all body of cholesterol contains about 25 g.

Cholesterol are used in human organism for the various goals, that well illustrates on figure 3.

Figure 3. The device of body need in cholesterol.

The molecules of cholesterol are synthesized by liver cells for the human body for the following:

1. Cholesterol is used for synthesis of myelinic shells of the nerve-endings (axons). So, on lipids myelin, that consist on 44,4 % from nonetherify cholesterol.

2. There are biosynthesis of all steroid hormones in man's android glands (first of all testosterone) and female ovary that occurs due to the cholesterol acting in the free and the sulphatic derivatives.

3. Cholesterol is used for synthesis a bilipide layer of a cellular membrane of erythrocytes which on 25 % consist their free cholesterol.

4. Cholesterol is used for synthesis of vitamins of group D, that are derivatives of cholesterol (irradiated 7-dehydrocholesterol or calciferol).

5. There are formation of bile in which contains about 1 % of free cholesterol.

6. Cholesterol is used in management of glyconeogenesis processes in body cells for transformation of proteins and fats to glucose.

On Figure 4 are schematically shown bodies for which cholesterol is necessary.

Figure 4. The device is need separate bodies in cholesterol.

As we see, cholesterol is used by human organism, both in free, both in connected kinds for many biochemical processes and for construction of many cells and extracellular liquids.

Therefore liver cells of the person synthesize cholesterol in quantities up to 5 g/daily.

The quantity of synthesized cholesterol depends on the level of its contents in human blood both arising needs and its receipts with nutrition.

2. The TRUTH: About CHOLESTEROL in food.

As we have found out already earlier, cholesterol is synthesized only by liver cells of the person and other animals and fishes. Therefore cholesterol can not be in vegetative products including vegetable oils. Though in the literature it is possible to meet the data on the contents phytosterol in some vegetable oils, but phytosterol do not pertain to cholesterol.

Cholesterol is contained in meat and dairy products, a fish and seafoods, animal fats. We can find in the directory " The chemical compound of food " (see Table 1) the data on the contents of cholesterol in these products.

Table 1 The contents of cholesterol in some food

The name of food The contents of cholesterol, mg /100g The name of food The contents of cholesterol, mg /100 g
Cow's milk 10 Beef tongue 150
Goat's milk 30 Pork brains 2000
Cheese low-fat 40 Pork liver 130
Cheese fat 60 Pork kidneys 200
Sour cream 30 %-s' 130 Pork heart 120
Kefir fat 10 Hens of 1 category 30
Cream sterilized 25 %-s' 100 Hens of 2 categories 10
Meat of large horned livestock 60 Geese of 1 category 110
Meat of fine horned livestock 70 Geese of 2 categories 80
Meat of pigs 60-70 Turkey-hen of 1 category 50
Veal 80-110 Turkey-hen of 2 categories 30
Beef fat 110 Hen's eggs 570
Fat pork, mutton 100 Quail's eggs 600
Carp 270 Paste "Ocean" 1000
Capelin autumn 340 Pike 50
Saury 210 Pacific herring 200
Mackerel Pacific 360 Cod 30

The contents of cholesterol in food is very strongly varies.

However at the use of traditional food stuffs (meat, milk and sour-milk products, hens, turkey-hen etc.), at an optimum nutrition (100-150 g a protein per day) receipt of cholesterol in human organism with food very unsignificantly in relation to quantities which are synthesized to cookies (100-150:2000-5000). Thus, we see, that receipt of cholesterol with food immeasurably is less, than it is synthesized in the liver of the consumer. Therefore to declare, that the use of the food stuffs containing cholesterol, can result in sharp increase of its contents in blood (if certainly, there are all day long the pork brains, quail's and hen's eggs and to have a snack all this paste "Ocean").

So it is easily possible to explain and so-called French Paradox, The Swiss Paradox, The Russian Paradox, The Lithuanian Paradox...Etc...

At the French are rather low level of cardiovascular diseases in spite of the fact that they traditionally consume food, rich cholesterol. But on the contrary, in USA where have the aspiration to non-cholesterol nutrition and it is became almost a national kind of sports, there are augmentation prognosis so on the level of disease an atherosclerosis, so on number of painfully corpulent people.

We can stated, that the nutrition by the foods containing cholesterol, practically does not render essential influence on the level of its contents in blood. Cholesterol is not ballast unnecessary substance for human organism, that needed to blocking, on the contrary, it is a vital component of human blood, that is used human body as a source for the synthesis of many hormonal compounds.

3. The TRUTH. About the blood of some people with increased CHOLESTEROL.

Why some people have the increased contents of cholesterol in blood? We stated, that level of cholesterol in human blood basically does not depend on the use low or high cholesterol food, but depends on quantity synthesized in the liver cells. There is a question: Why the organism level up cholesterol in human blood? What will is forming for itself some problems? Probably, no. Wherefore organism level up cholesterol in human blood?

If the increased contents of cholesterol is postponed on walls of blood system and this increase is formed by organism. This means, that the organism is forming disease that to reduce the itself life, but also life to the person. But it is the uttermost absurdity. The organism is on the contrary to aspire to salvage of the life. Our organism aspire to salvage us from any one situation with the least losses for health of the person.

The increased contents of blood cholesterol can form only in two cases.

In the first case, the need of the organism for cholesterol sharply grows and then the livercells starts to synthesize it more to satisfy arising need. However in this case the level of cholesterol in blood raises a little bit for the short period of time, and then comes in norm.

In the second case the level of cholesterol in blood raises because it can not penetrate into cells and then the organism starts to raise its level more and more "to press" through cholesterol receptor a cellular barrier.

Can be such variant with cholesterol, as hormonal substance? Yes, can be. As the same status is formed at a diabetes 2 types when the level of synthesized insulin from pancreas is higher than norm, at hyperthyroidism and some other hormonal diseases.

Thus, we formed a new concept, that hypercholesteremia (the increased contents of cholesterol in blood) is the hormonal disease connected to infringement of the receptor mechanism of input of cholesterol into cellular structures.

Thus, the increased contents of cholesterol in human organism is the compelled measure connected to biochemical infringements of reception system of cholesterol with cells. The given infringement is formed during the long period of time, and to remove the given biochemical infringement of the receptor mechanism is necessary long enough period of time. The human body can not cope independently with the given biochemical infringement.

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