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4. The MYTH: The connection between CHOLESTEROL and LDL (low density lipoproteins).

In the literature is possible to meet such combination, that cholesterol is LDLs which are postponed on walls of blood system and consequently such cholesterol "bad".

It is incorrect from the biochemical point of view.

LDLs are high-molecular substances (in hundreds times exceeding sizes of cholesterol molecules ) consisting of molecules of fat, phospholipids and protein, and that formed at increase contents of fat and the protein in human blood. These lipoproteins are formed in human blood at high consumption of nutrition protein. Because proteins, against carbohydrates and fats, can not be deposited in human organism at their excessive consumption then they start to be postponed as lipoproteins.

Thus, external shell of lipoproteins consists from phospholipid parts (see fig. 5) which increases their solubility in water solutions, and internal shell consists from proteins. As see on fig. 5, the proteins part and other components including free cholesterol, are hidden inside this complex and at the approach to this or that cell it is not clear as possible is transfer of cholesterol to directly cellular receptors.

Thus transfer of free cholesterol with the help LDL, that have external sizes exceeding much more sizes of cholesterol molecule is theoretically impossible.

Figure 5. The structure of the LDL particle revealed by X-ray analysis (the use was made of original computer methods developed in the IMPB RAS).

Figure is taken from a site of the project " Lipoprotein structure " (http: //

Yellow color shows lipid the shell of the particle, by dark blue color - the proteins nucleus.

Figure 6. Structure of the LDL.

In figure LDL is given in the same color the structure of lipoprotein.


free cholesterol

ApoB protein


cholesterol ether


the particle contains more than 3000 000 atoms

Apparently from this figure, that proteins amount only 24-25 % from all weight of the particle.

In the beginning we shall try to understand with names of lipoprotein, that meets in human organism. The greatest quantity of lipoproteins on the weight are LDL.

The contents LDLs in human blood amount from 100 up to 130 mg /100 mL. It is much less, than a level of the general cholesterol in blood.

It is much less, than the level of the general cholesterol in human blood. (see tab. 2).

Table 2. The contents in human blood the cholesterol and lipoproteins (White A. etc. principles of biochemistry.McGraw-Hill, 1978)

N The name of the component of blood The contents in blood, mg/100 mL
1. The general cholesterol 130-260
2. LDL 100-150
3. HDL 30-40

High density lipoproteins (in abbreviated form HDL) contain in human blood in much smaller concentration, from 30 up to 40 mg/100 of ml.

In some bodies, for example in white substance of a brain, meet lipoprotein super high density (conditionally we shall name them SHDL). In tab. 3 are submitted the data on an average ratio of the basic components in lipoprotein to various density.

Table 3

The contents of the basic components in lipoproteins different density

The name of lipoproteins The contents of the basic components
Proteins Cholesterol Ethers of cholesterol triglycerides phospholipids
LDL 25 5 40 - 30
HDL 50 5 20 - 25
SHDL 75 - - 5 20

As see from tab. 3, in structure LDL cholesterol amount all only about 5 %, and ethers of cholesterol is present in 8 times more. Therefore LDL are the transfers not free cholesterol as everyone speak about it, but a transfer of cholesteric ethers (miristic, stearic and palmitic).

As we see from this table, the is less contents a lipid part, than is the above density of lipoproteins. All of us know, that fats have density below 1.

Thus, applications, that low density lipoproteins are the carriers of free cholesterol in blood, does not maintain to concepts of common sense. You see the carrier of cholesterol can not be the lipoproteins as it is less than them and they less soluble in blood, than cholesterol. You see in the molecule of cholesterol there is the alcohol group which improves its solubility in water solutions.

Cholesterol in lipoprotein is in a free kind and is transferred to insignificant quantities - only 5 % from weight itself by lipoproteins, but as ethers it is transferred to significant amounts - 40 and 20 %, that is in 4-8 times more. Thus we can ascertain, that low density lipoproteins are basically carriers of the connected cholesterol (as ethers), but are not free.

Besides these components of blood play a different role for human body. If cholesterol is low-molecular substance with alcohol group, that concerns to hormonal components and takes part in synthesis of many cells and cellular structures, but the low density lipoproteins are the ballast substances, formed at excessive receipt of proteins and fatty compounds in blood. Therefore ballast substances can not be carriers of cholesterol.

Accordingly, the level of cholesterol in blood is strictly supervised and supported by liver cells. The level of low density lipoproteins in blood nobody supervises and does not adjust, and their excessive contents results in fat deposits as patch, both on walls of blood vessels, and in intercellular space.

We see then are the paradox in prevailing theory. Healthy people, at which deposits of lipoproteins in blood very little, will have lack in carriers of cholesterol and there will be accordingly barreness, frustration of nervous system etc.

And ill people on the contrary will have more deposits of lipoproteins in blood, accordingly will be carriers of cholesterol more and they will not suffer barreness, frustration of nervous system etc.

The uttermost absurdity and absence of common sense!

All is turned head over heels. And as at them all this paradox admits for last achievements of modern medicine.

5. The Myth. It is necessary to aspire to reduce the level of cholesterol in blood

At the healthy person is supported the contents of cholesterol in blood at the level below 150 mg /100 mL. Sometimes determine the level of cholesterol in blood in mmol/L. In Table 2 put the case in a help various measures of measurements of the cholesterol level in blood.

Table 2

Various units of measurements of the general level of cholesterol in blood

mg/100mL mmol/L mg/100mL mmol/L
120 3,1 260 6,7
130 3,4 270 7,0
140 3,6 280 7,2
150 3,9 290 7,5
160 4,1 300 7,8
170 4,4 310 8,0
180 4,7 320 8,3
190 4,9 330 8,5
200 5,2 340 8,8
210 5,4 350 9,0
220 5,7 360 9,3
230 5,9 370 9,6
240 6,2 380 9,8
250 6,5 390 10,1
400 10,3

The cholesterol level in blood is adjusted, so its low contents also results in tragically consequences. Those people which it was possible all conceivable ways to lower the cholesterol level, are more often than others got in failure with fatal outcome. They finished life by suicide, became victims of violence. Possibly, that have some coonection that the low contents of cholesterol raises aggression of the person, and he becomes bodacious.

The English journal "Lancet" warns also, that lack of blood cholesterol can conduct to depressions. First of all, older persons suffer from it.

Researchers has established, that old men that have the low contents of blood cholesterol run into a melancholy three times more often, than their coevals, that have the blood cholesterol in norm.

Former NASA astronaut, retired family doctor Duane Graveline himself has tested on itself action of statin - a drug lowering cholesterol which resulted twice him depression. Now he is a hater of the cholesteric company in USA.

Some scientists and we mark, that cholesterol is extremely necessary for normal functioning a lot of the vital systems of human organism.

For example, cholesterol is original "raw material" for synthesis all hormonic steroids, including and sexual steroids. The sexual hormones represent not that other, as are the modified cholesterol. The most part of cholesterol is synthesized in human organism, but in small part it should act with nutrition.

Also there are, that supporters non-cholesterol diets start somehow gradually to forget about a sexual necessity.

The aspiration of Americans and the Western-Europens to reduction of the cholesterol level with the help of drugs are resulted in a melancholy, development of illness of Alzheimer, depression, reduction of sexual functions and other diseases.

Thus, lack of cholesterol in blood results in infringements in activity of brain work, to infringements in sexual sphere and to healing of wounds.

It is undesirable a non-cholesterol nutrition and to children. And what is why. Cholesterol is part of cellular membranes and thus provides an opportunity of mitosis (cell fission), that it is especially necessary for a growing organism.

Therefore if the child dont feed with the products containing of the cholesterol so he will be to increase small the weight of a body and accordingly to grow. Besides cholesterol is necessary for construction of cells of the brain and at the low contents of cholesterol at the child can be formed the depression.

Thus, it is impossible to reduce uncontrollably the level of the cholesterol contents in blood, not having found out the reason of its increased contents and not having removed the reason of this increase.

At elimination of the reasons of increase of the level of cholesterol in blood at you will disappear necessity for its decrease as the organism will result the contents of blood cholesterol to norm.

6. The Myth. Cholesterol gets in the cells by afflux.

Many researchers refer that cholesterol gets in inside cell basically by efflux. Thus they describe, what problems arise at cholesterol at penetration through double a lipid layer of cellular structures. Many researchers specify, that cholesterol remains in the bilipid layer.

Then there is a question: How cholesterol gets in mitochondrion? You see that it is necessary for management of biochemical processes of glyconeogenesis. If in mitochondrion the cholesterol will get by simple efflux so human organism can not operate this process. We know that efflux pertains to unguided processes. If to recognize that cholesterol gets in inside cell by efflux so in the beginning there is a slow saturation of cells by cholesterol, and then it by the subsequent efflux gets in inside mitochondrion.

In our opinion it can not be. Cholesterol gets in inside cells through the mechanism endocitosis which is used for all hormones regulating biochemical processes (insulin, glucagon, thyroxine etc.).

On fig. 7 we are shown mechanisms of the cholesterol endocytosis in inside cells. There are cellular receptors for recognition of cholesterol at its approach to a cell, from our point of view, there are glycolipids (as well as for glucagon).

Figure 7. Mechanism endocytosis of cholesterol in inside cell

At absence of need the cell in cholesterol do not enter interaction receptor glycolipids with it and the molecule of cholesterol floats in a blood channel further.

At occurrence of need the cell in cholesterol enter interaction receptor glycolipids with cholesterol molecule, around of it is formed a vesicle which further transports the cholesterol molecule deep into cells, delivers it up to a membrane mitochondrion, enters with itinteraction and enters in inside. Released vesicle comes back again to a cell surface for the new molecule of cholesterol.

The given mechanism of cholesterol input in inside cells is adjusted at a biochemical level to the receptor mechanism of the cell.

At infringement of synthesis the receptor mechanism of input of cholesterol in inside cells, not all molecules of cholesterol can penetrate inside cells and there is a deficiency of cholesterol inside mitochondrion. For elimination of cholesterol deficiency in inside mitochondrion the organism starts to raise a level of blood cholesterol so that than increase collision of cells receptors with molecules of cholesterol and increase of opportunities for the formation vesicle around of cholesterol molecules.

Thus, increase of the cholesterol contents in human blood arises at infringement of the receptor mechanism on input of the given hormone in inside cells. Similar infringements arise also at insulin-nonindependent diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism and other hormonal diseases.

7. The MYTH. Cholesterol results in formation of cardiovascular diseases

Let's consider now the problem of cardiovascular diseases connected to adjournment various in blood system.

On fig. 8 are shown in a profile and on a opening an artery of the healthy person that have standard blood pressure 120/80. On walls of blood system the healthy person does not have any deposites which would hamper free movement of blood. In this case arterial blood with nutrients in full will penetrate to all smallest capillaries of blood system and absolutely all cells receive the nutrients acting that have in arterial blood. Such person is easy show up. He will have pink color of a skin with those or other shades, characteristic for this or that race.

Figure 8 Status of arteries at the healthy person.

At increase of food proteins consumption which can not be postponed in human organism as reserve substance, in an organism there are problems with its reserving. That quantity the proteins which is necessary for synthesis of cells and cellular structures, is accordingly spent for these purposes. The body need on these purposes amount up to 15 % from a daily diet (in calories). If you have eaten a lot the proteins, besides if it is especial high proteins diet by Atkins that surplus of the proteins should put somewhere in the body. At it is two ways, or it is to transform into fats, or in sugar and then them to postpone as glycogen or fatty deposites. However for these biochemical ways is required a lot of time. Therefore at the big overabundance of proteins they start to be postponed either as lipoproteins, or in intercellular space with formation of puffiness. Other ways do not exist (see fig. 9).

Figure 9 Mechanisms of depositing surpluses the basic nutrients

Reserve of proteins as lipoproteins low or high density results in formation of deposites as patch which start to be formed in arteries of the person. It is well show on fig. 10.

Figure 10. Reserve of the lipoproteins in human arteries at the increased consumption of the proteins.

Lipoprotein reserve as patch on walls of human blood system results to that there is the reduction of the vessel opening. The body starts to raise arterial pressure that to press blood with the nutrients acting to all smallest capillaries and all cells. It is well show on fig. 11.

Figure 11. Lipoprotein reserve in blood system results in stenosis of the blood-vessel opening and accordingly to increase of arterial pressure, for example up to 160/110.

Yes, with the help of the blocking antihypertensive drugs it is possible to lower a blood pressure, but the nutrients acting have not normally go to all cells. At the patient decreases the temperature on the ends of fingers of legs, the hands.

You lowered arterial pressure due to medicamentous preparations, but you do not removed the reason of this disease. Atherosclerotic patch were kept as endocellular so on the surface of vessels walls. The procedure is necessary to us daily, but sometimes necessary and more often to accept the drugs lowering arterial pressure. It is connected to that, that as soon you is not take the drugs, your body aspire to raising of pressure. It is necessary that constantly your body can pressure the nutrients acting to all peripheral cells. Arterial pressure again raises, and you are again compelled to use antihypertensive drugs. And so you infringement proceeds introduction nutrients acting to all cells. You see that peripheral cells remain on a short rations of the nutrients acting.

But it is not yet so terrible. Yes, you lowered the increased arterial pressure, but you eat again high protein and high fat diet therefore in your body syntesize again abnormal cells and increase atherosclerotic patch by quantity, and by sizes. It results in the further stenosis of arteries and capillaries of blood system in your organism. Organism raises arterial pressure further than to press nutrients acting to all cells.

It is well shown on fig. 12.

Figure 12. The further lipoprotein reserving on walls of blood system and accordingly results it in stenosis and increase of arterial pressure.

To lower this increased arterial pressure you are compelled to accept more and more strong antihypertonic drugs and all in plenties. There comes the period when already and these drugs can not lower at you the increased pressure. There are also at you aneurysms of an aorta and peripheral arteries, functional defeats of peripheral arteries and other diseases.

The aneurysm is a local expansion of the blood vessel, in particular aortas or a peripheral artery.

Alongside with infringement of arteries cells synthesis, also arise infringement of veins cells synthesis. At you appear the varicose veins, and venous thrombosis. Varicose veins is a status at which peripheral veins (it is usual on legs) are lengthened, expanded and sinuous; their valves become functionally untenable.

In these case can look not at the legs and there to search for these infringement, you can look better at a back part of the palm. If through the skin your veins appear the increased, so these expanded veins specifies infringement of veins construction in your body. Therefore is necessary not to run to doctors and to collect analyses of the blood and urine. You can look at the hands and controls a status of veins on them. On this parameter it is possible to supervise deterioration of the status each minute, but on this parameter you can observe as restore of body status.

We are submission that plugging arteries of cardiovascular system atherosclerotic patch at long development are formed of a hypertension at its suppression by drugs. Therefore you have ischemic illness of heart, a stenocardia resulting in development of a heart attack of a myocardium. Thus, you are formed by self hands at introduction of drugs in the body, that result in development of a heart attack of a myocardium, a stenocardia, ischemic illness of heart. Also your is not necessary to search thus guilty: the husband, children, next-door neighbours, colleagues and the chiefs on work. They did not enforce you eat eggs and meat, milk and cottage cheese, cheese and sour cream, an omelette and a baked pudding. In your body establish all diseases by your hand and head.

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